SkinnedMeshBaker (Set a pose for your avatar)
What is SkinnedMeshBaker?
This tool converts SkinnedMeshRenderer to MeshRenderer while maintaining its pose.
Since MeshRenderers has significantly less rendering cost, it is recommended to convert any meshes that don't use bones for animation. As an added positive side-effect, it protects the model data from being ripped from the world data.
Note that this tool is a bug-fixed, republished version of the one we have published during Vket 2 and 3 under the name "AvatarPoseBaker".
How to Use
- Download the unitypackage from the link above.
- Import the package to your Unity project.
- In the Hierarchy, right-click the root GameObject of the posed model, and select BakeSkinnedMeshPose.
- A baked GameObject will be created inside the Hierarchy, along with a Prefab, and the baked Mesh will be saved in Assets/BakeResult.
- Move the Prefab and the baked Mesh from Assets/BakeResult, to your submission folder.
This tool will not overwrite the original object. You can still re-bake after editing the original mesh if you decide that you want to bake again.
The original object will not be needed after the bake, so move them out of the GameObject you submit.
References of Textures, Materials, Shaders and as such from the original mesh will be passed onto the baked mesh. Unlike the previous version, it won't be copied under Assets/BakeResults. Please make sure to place them into the submission folder.