Submission Guide
This article will explain the submission process for Vket2022 Winter.
Firstly you need to make Exhibitor Circle Registration in your Mypage on the website. Then, you'll need to set up a project with UdonSharp template using VRChat Creator Companion, import necessary packages, and submit your data.
Below is the rundown of the process.
- Circle Registration
- Download VketTools
- Download VRChat Creator Companion
- Install Creator Companion
- Install Unity Hub and Unity using the Creator Companion
- Set up your project (Udon Sharp template and VketTools installation)
- Create your space
- Submit using VketTools that are downloadable from the My Page
When creating your space, you may utilize the official asset package. If you wish to include sounds, videos, or gimmicks in your space, please consider using the official prefabs.
If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ for exhibitors. If your trouble is still not resolved, please feel free to post questions at Virtual Market Discord or send an inquiry from the contact form. Also, we provide Submission Tips as a part of technical support.
The Submission period starts from October 21 and ends at (JST) November 20 11:59 pm, (UTC) 2:59 pm, (Eastern) 9:59 am. During this period, you can actually visit the world and see how your submitted space will look in the world.
Now, in this article, we will explain from the very beginning of downloading the VketTools and Creator Companion.
Circle Registration
In the Mypage that you can log in to enter from the top right corner of the website, you will find the "Edit Exhibitor Information" page in "Exhibitor Information and Catalog."
Click "edit" and input your exhibitor circle name and description. The input text and contents will be displayed on the catalog page that will be released before the event.
Furthermore, if your exhibitor group consists of multiple members, you can register exhibitor members from the "Manage Members" tab on the right.
Firstly the member to be registered needs to set up his/her own Vket Account and log in to Vket2022 Winter website. Then, the exhibitor account may input the registrar's Vket ID from "Manage Members" and "Invite." The member will see the invitation on the "My Circles" page. (S)he can join the circle (exhibitor group) by accepting the invitation. Thereafter, the member will have his/her name show up in the catalog and have access to all functionalities of VketTools other than submission. Please utilize this feature when you are making your space with multiple members.
VketTools download
Once the circle registration is complete, you will see "Download VketTools" link in "Submission" column on the left side of Mypage. From here you can download the tool necessary for your submission. As you now have the Tools, let's move on to download the Creator Companion.
3. Download Creator Companion
Download the Creator Companion from the below.
Creator Companion
Creator Companion
1. Install Creator Companion
Install Creator Companion
Run the Creator Companion program you've just downloaded.
In the Select Setup Install Mode window, at Select install mode, choose → Install for me only(recommended)
Check I accept the agreement and press Next
You may choose your installation location. Press Next.
Press Next again to complete the installation of Creator Companion.
- If you alreadh have Unity and Unity Hub installed, jump to 2. Set up the project - UdonSharp and VketTools
1. Install Unity and UnityHub using Creator Companion
- Once the install is complete, press × to close the window.
This is to avoid possible installation errors caused by the lack of admin permission
Open the start menu from the Windows key in your taskbar. Look for Creator Companion program. Right click and press Run ad administrator.
You will be asked "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?". Press Yes in the window. This will run Creator Companion with admin permission.
Press Install Hub and Unity
Once the installation is complete, it will bring Unity Hub and all the necessary Unity files necessary for VRChat.
* Should you encounter errors, choose Cancel and follow the below steps.
- If you have installed Unity Hub or Unity in the past, please open Explorer and delete the below two folders (backup all project data, if any)
C:\Program Files\Unity
C:\Program Files\Unity Hub
Now, close Creator Companion that is opened with admin permission
Press Windows key and run Creator Companion again to set up your project. Run as administrator is no longer necessary.
2. Set up the project - UdonSharp and VketTools
2-1. Set up new project with UdonSharp template
Creator Companion provides several templates for your project. The submission project for Vket must be created with UdonSharp template, even if you are not going to use UdonSharp.
Press New in the Projects
Press UdonSharp in Official Templates
Type your Project Name as you see fit and press Create.
In the image, we picked "Vket2022Winter" as an example.
You will see the firewall alert. Press "Allow Access"
Once the project is created, you will see a new window with the project added to the Project list on the left-hand side.
Press Open Project.
If you have not completed the signin of UnityID and license activation, you will need to go through the process. Proceed to 2-2 and 2-3. If you have already done the process, jump to 2-4。
2-2. Sign in to UnityID using UnityHub
If you haven't completed license activation and sign in, you will see Unity Hub window opening up.
If it fails, open UnityHub manually from the indicator on the bottom right.
Press Sign in
It will open up UnityID page in your browser. Sign in to UnityID.
Press "Open Unity Hub"
2-3. License activation in Unity Hub
If your Unity Hub does not have a Unity license activated, please open the License Management in UnityHub.
Press Add License
Choose Activation by License Request
Press Create License Request in the first raw
Save the license information file, Unity_lic.alf, somewhere in your PC
Press in the middle. This will launch Manual activation page in your browser.
Choose Browse and select the Unity_lic file. Press Next.
Choose Unity Personal Edition and "I don't use Unity in a professional capacity". Press Next.
Press Download license file. Download Unity_c2017.x.ulf file.
* By default it should be saved in your Download folder.
Switch to the UnityHub window and press the license file box at the bottom. Choose the ulf file you've just saved and press Activate.
Once the Personal License is added to the license window, press × to close Unity Hub. Your license is now properly registered.
2-4. Sign in to VRChat SDK
In Unity, press VRChat SDK in the top menu and press Show Control Panel.
In the Authentication window of VRChat SDK, input your Username/Email and Password. Press Sign In.
Close the window to complete the process.
2-5. Import VketTools
Note that your Unity project window needs to be open.
Press Assets in the top bar and choose Import Package. Press Custom Package..
that you've just downloaded and Open it.
In the Import Unity Package window, press Import.
Please close Unity once and launch it again from OpenProject of Creator Companion.
If you see VitDeck and VketTools in the top menu, the installation is complete.
3. Constructing your space
3-1. Login to VketTools
Now that the project is ready, let's download the necessary assets and create the scene for space production.
Open the VketTools/Control Panel from the Unity menu. The login window will open up. Click on the Login button.
At first login, you will see a webpage with your authorization code. Copy the code, paste it in the form, and click “login”.
If the login is successful, you will see the Control Panel like below.
3-2. Import official assets
After successfully logging in, import the official assets including Prefabs from the Packages at the bottom right of Control Panel.
Once downloaded, please import them in the Unity just as you've done for the VRCSDK.
3-3. Creating the Submission Scene
From VketTools' Control Panel, click on Create Submission Scene
You will see the VitDeck window. Click on Load.
A folder and a scene file for your submission will be generated directly under the Assets folder.
Double-click and open the generated scene file (on the example picture, it's the file labeled 3)
A scene for the submission will open up.
*For "VketPlaza -CyberMode-" and “Kuja Market“ concepts, the submission scene will have outer walls attached to Reference Objects for referential purposes. “Kuja Market“ exhibitors can choose the design of the outer wall from multiple options. Activate only one option that you want to have.
3-4. space creation
As per the Submission Rule's "Scene Structure and Hierarchy Settings", the submission Scene's hierarchy will be set up as follows. Static is removed in the case of Avatar Carousel.
- (Exhibitor's ID)
- Static
- Dynamic
- Reference Object ←This contains the lighting settings similar to the lighting condition in the venue.
The Objects you'll be exhibiting should be placed inside either Static or Dynamic as the child Object. All movable and controllable Objects need to be inside Dynamic, while immovable ones should be in the Static
In the Vket2022 Summer submission scene, the lighting environment is not set similar to the venue world.
To check how your space will look in the venue including the lighting, please visit the Preview World.
3-5. Official distribution packages
From the VketTools you can install "VketPrefabs" that are useful for space creation. For example, “VketAvatarPedestal”, one of the “VketPrefabs”, are packaged in the following way.
We will go over each Prefab in it.
Vket Avatar Pedestal
This Avatar Pedestal will show confirmation dialog.
By interacting with the dialog again, users can change into the avatar.
We provide below 3 kinds of it.
- Default:A pedestal where the avatar image will look shimmering. The same appearance as the one packaged in the VRCSDK.
- 2D:You can set any images you like. Unlike the Default, it won’t shimmer.
- 3D:You can use a 3D model as its appearance.
Details→ VketAvatarPedestal
Vket Video Player
This VideoPlayer will play a video upon Interact or Player’s entry to the space (OnEnterTrigger).
The Collider of the Trigger will be set by the Vket Organizers. You may not modify the Collider.
Limitation: only 1 per 1 space can be used.
Details→ VketVideoPlayer
Vket Pickup
This Pickup lets one hold the object in hand.
The object will return to the original location if nobody touches the object for 30 seconds.
The player can bring the object outside of the space by moving while holding the object.
Details→ VketPickup
In addition to VketPickup, this Pickup allows you to equip the object on the head or other parts.
i.e. Equip a hat on the head. The hat will follow the head even after letting the hands go. * VketFollowPickup does not follow players in Desktop Mode.
Details→ VketFollowPickup
Vket Sound Fade
This sound player will play a sound upon Interact or Player’s entry to the space (OnEnterTrigger).
Simultaneously, the prefab will fade out the world BGM.
Details→ VketSoundFade
Vket Language Switch
This Switcher will enable/disable specified objects in the space by Interact.
This will be used to switch English notations and Japanese notations.
Details→ VketLanguageSwitcher
Vket Interact Trigger/Vket Onspace Trigger
Like the Trigger in the VRCSDK2, it will run an action upon Interact.
You may choose to run several of the below actions.
You may choose local or Sync, though the status may not be synced with players joining the world later.
Details→ Vket Interact Trigger / Vket Onspace Trigger
Vket Web Page Opener
The Prefab will show confirmation dialog upon Interact and, when interacted again, open a webpage in the Player’s browser.
Since it is a special functionality, the Prefab will only work with Vket worlds during the event periods.
Details→ VketWebPageOpener
UI Template
This is the set of templates to show images with uGUI or create functional buttons inside VRChat easily. Please make good use of them if necessary.
3-6. Check your space using VketTools
You can check whether your space is in line with the Submission Rules by using the Check buttons on the Control Panel.
The same Check process will still be required when submitting. Please use this function to perform the checks on the work-in-progress space.
3-7. Use UdonChips in Kowloon Empire Ichiban Boulevard concept
If you are exhibiting in "Kowloon Empire Ichiban Boulevard" concept, you can exhibit assets with UdonChips support by using UdonChips provided as a part of the world.
- To use UdonChips in your project, define Variables with UdonBehaviour type to your Udon with the name "VketUdonChips". The Variables must be Public except for the case of CyanTrigger. The organizers will set reference to UdonChips to the "VketUdonChips" variable.
- "money" variable, which is float type, lets you get and change the cash amount.
- "format" variable, which is string type, lets you obtain the denomination format. You'll be able to display cash amount conforming to the standardized format in the form of string.Format(format, money), like "50 Ron".
4. Submit using VketTools
4-1. Submit your space with VketTools
Clicking Submission on the Control Panel will begin the submission process for the current Scene content.
Once the submission starts, various checks will be performed in eight steps, as shown below. The VRChat client will be launched and build your Submission Scene into a world. Please check if all the space functions are working correctly.
After confirming everything, click on the Confirmed
button to continue the process.
After the Rule Check and Build Size Check, the Screenshot Capture window will open. Please click the Capture
button to take a screenshot.
If you see Submission complete
after clicking OK,
your submission is completed successfully.
4-2. About VketTools' Updates
In case new versions of VketTools are released in the future for patches or other reasons, you'll be prompted to update with a dialog. Note that you can only submit with the latest version.